Meaningful activities are important for the quality of life of persons with dementia. Many different factors influence the maintenance of meaningful activities. This project aims to investigate how persons with dementia and their informal caregivers can be supported in maintaining meaningful activities. We focus specifically on the transition from home to nursing home.
This project examines the experiences regarding maintaining meaningful activities of persons involved (e.g., persons with dementia, informal caregivers, and healthcare professionals) during the transition from home to nursing home. Recommendations will be formulated to support persons with dementia in maintaining meaningful activities. During the project, results will be continuously shared with healthcare professionals and students.
In a focus group study we investigated the perspectives of healthcare professionals regarding meaningful activities for persons with dementia in transition from home to a nursing home. A systematic review summarized the experiences with maintaining meaningful activities for persons with dementia during transition of care, including related barriers and facilitators, and intervention and strategies. In this study, all transitions between care settings were included, for example the transition from hospital to home. Furthermore, an interview study with 1-year follow-up was used to gain insight into the perspectives of persons with dementia on meaningful activities and the changes in these activities in relation to their quality of life. This study is in the stage of being finalized. Finally, a survey study will be conducted to explore the experiences of informal caregivers with maintaining meaningful activities during transition from home to nursing home.