Organisation of care

The 'Organisation of care' area focuses on improving and promoting the quality of care for older people. It describes how treatment, support and care for frail older people and their families are organised from the perspective of the older person (needs-based). The guiding principle is the provision of high-quality integrated care based on interdisciplinary cooperation.

Current research

Optimizing the living environment for people with Korsakoff syndrome

The objective of this study is to explore how the living arrangement and living environment of people with Korsakoff syndrome can be optimized, so they experience as much independence and quality of life as possible.

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Relocation of nursing home residents within or between nursing homes occurs for a variety of reasons, ranging from changing healthcare needs to closing down of care facilities. These care transitions between or within nursing homes can negatively impact the health and well-being of the nursing home residents in many ways, varying from experiencing stress and anxiety to developing depressive disorders. In order to prevent, mitigate, or eliminate these negative consequences, it is important to identify, review, and develop transition interventions that contribute to successful and effective care transitions between or within nursing homes.

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‘Hartelijk Welkom! (A warm Welcome!)’

Improving the nursing home admission process for people with dementia and their informal caregiver.

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This project aims to optimize interprofessional collaboration (IPC) in long-term care (LTC) and geriatric rehabilitation (GR).

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EU-COGER: European cooperation in geriatric rehabilitation research after COVID-19

The EU-COGER study is a European observational multicentre study on the treatment and recovery of post-COVID-19 patients in geriatric rehabilitation.

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Measuring in geriatric rehabilitation: gain insight into problems of clients using the COPM interview

Occupational therapists can use the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) to inventory problems experienced by the patient (semi-structured interview) to set goals and evaluate treatment. A description of measurement properties of the COPM for people in geriatric rehabilitation was produced by performing a systematic literature review. Next, a clinimetric study was conducted to gain a better understanding of interrater agreement and reliability in geriatric rehabilitation.

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CREATE study (Challenging REhAbiliTation Environment)

This study aims to conceptualize the term challenging rehabilitation environment (CRE) and to develop a measuring tool for this environment.

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